Sequence Adverbs

Many of the connectors are prepositions or adverbs of place or time that you run as links or conjunctions.

These connectors sequence indicate the order in time it happens a fact over another, indicating their order of succession , or indicating if something happened before what happens in the moment when it comes . Some of the most commonly used are :

Then — luego, a continuación

Before considering — antes de examinar, antes de considerar

After — después, a continuación

First — primero, primeramente

In the second instance — en Segundo lugar

Second — segundo

Last — En ultimo lugar

Meanwhile — mientras tanto

Finally — finalmente

Next to — siguiendo a, a continuación

Just — apenas, tan luego, justo

to begin with — comenzando con, empezando con

immediately — inmediatamente

As we can see , in this list of connectors sequence in English, there are connectors that perform continuity connector and connector conclusion. This is so because these connectors , within the context of the sentence or paragraph , indicate the continuity or the consequence of the action in time or logical sequence , so that perform connectors sequence in English.

Consider the use in context of some of these connectors sequence in English :

Firstly, you must get a car; then maybe I will think dating you. (Primeramente debes conseguir un coche; entonces quizá piense en salir contigo).

After the test, we will go out to play basketball. (Después del examen, saldremos a jugar basquetbol).

In our last year vacation, we went to Acapulco. Firstly, we went to the airport to buy our tickets. In there we have some trouble, one lady got really crazy for losing her flight. As soon as the situation was under control, we bought our tickets for our flight, it leave in three hours, so we had to wait. Meanwhile we went to eat something in the town. We arrive to the airport half an hour before our flight left. Next we went to the customs, and a while later we stand ready to get up the stairs. Just when we were aboarding, someone yelled “Bomb!” and everyone get off the plane. It was just a false alarm and finally we left an hour later.

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